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If you find peace in the idea of developing your firearm/gun skills that would enable you to defend yourself and your loved ones, contact Sherry Strong with your questions and get registered for a firearms class. Located in the heart of Tulsa, OK.  Come in as an inexperienced novice, and leave the class as a safe, competent shooter.




Gift Certificates are also available

Oklahoma SDA Permit

SDA Class (Self-Defense Act) 

The Licensing Unit that issues OK handgun licenses is the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. To obtain an Oklahoma handgun license, one must:

  1.  Be a citizen of the United States

  2. Be a lawful permanent resident in the U.S. and have established residency in the State of OK

  3. Be at least 21 years of age or be 18 years of age but not yet 21 and the person is a member or veteran of the United States Armed Forces, the Reserves or National Guard, or the person was discharged under honorable conditions from the United States Armed Forces, Reserves or National Guard.

  4. Complete a firearms safety and training course (Sherry Strong, Instructor) and demonstrate competence (shooting 50 rounds on the range) and qualifications with the type of pistol to be carried by the person and submit proof of training (the certificate you earn by passing the 15-question exam and qualifying on the range) and qualification or an exemption for training and qualification. 

  5. Submit the required fee and complete the application.

  6. Comply in good faith with the provisions of the OK Self-Defense Act.


Sherry Strong

Oklahoma Self-Defense Act Firearms Instructor

Registered, Certified OSBI (OK State Bureau of Investigation) Instructor

Certification expires 1/8/28


State of OK CLEET (Council on Law Enforcement, Education, & Training)

Certified Semi-Automatic & Revolver Firearms Instructor

Certification expires 6/21/27


The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation requires that the SDA class is 8 hours.  $50 class fee.




  1. Never display a handgun to gain “leverage” in an argument, even if it is not loaded or you never intend to use it.

  2. The amount of force used must not be excessive under the circumstances.

  3. Never use deadly force in self-defense unless you are afraid that if you do not, you will be killed or seriously injured, AND THE USE OF THE GUN IS THE ONLY OPTION

  4. Verbal threats never justify use of deadly force, and property crime alone never justifies the use of deadly force.

  5. If you think someone has a weapon and will use it unless you kill them, be sure you are right and are not overreacting to the situation.

  6. A cool head and even temper can keep handgun carriers out of trouble.  Never carry a gun into a situation where you might get angry.

  7. The law permits carrying a weapon for self-defense.  Possession of a SDA handgun license, or carrying a concealed or unconcealed weapon, does not make you a freelance police officer.

  8. Never carry your weapon into any place where prohibited by statute.



Please contact me with your questions or concerns. I look forward to working with you.  

Basic Handgun & Safety

The Basic Handgun and Safety Class is a group class (or private) for the individual who is brand new to shooting or has had little shooting experience.  It's also a good class for someone who has some experience but who has not shot in some time.  Often, the student comes to class with a newly purchased firearm which the student has not shot and, in fact, usually the student has had no shooting experience.  The class covers all the basic fundamentals of shooting.  Group classes include Co-ed, All Women, Seasoned Seniors as well as training and safety classes for ages 13 - 17.   

Refuse to be a Victim

This class is for women only and is taught four (4) times per year. This is a non-gun class which focuses on personal safety. 

SDA Act.png

Strong Women's Shooting Group

All women shooters encouraged to attend. We meet once a month at the indoor range. 

6 - 6:45 Yak and snack. (You are invited to bring a snack to share.)

Come enjoy the camaraderie of other women shooters and make longtime friends.

6:45 - 7 p.m. We gear up to head to the indoor range.

7 - 7:45 We shoot on the range

8 p.m. Dismiss

In order to shoot, you must be able to load, shoot and unload safely without assistance.

Range Safety Officers will be on hand to assist and provide instruction if requested.

All guns and magazines brought into the building must be unloaded.  Guns are loaded on the firing line. 

As a courtesy, please contact Sherry if you plan to attend.  Call or text 918.724.6544

(You do not have to be a Red Castle Member in order to attend this event.  You must rsvp by contacting Sherry if you plan to attend. 918.724.6544,

David T.

“Sherry is an awesome instructor."

Regina G.

"This class way exceeded my expectations! I learned more than I thought possible. Sherry made everything easy to understand, but more importantly, she puts everyone at ease. I absolutely would recommend this class."

Susan K.

Catoosa, OK

"Awesome class! Very informative and patient with everyones' questions."

Julia S.

Muskogee, OK

"Sherry is a great teacher. She makes the class fun and safe!"

Judy B.

"Sherry is extremely knowledgeable and is great to learn from! The class is great! This is great for a beginner.

"I would like to see every woman know how to handle [firearms] as naturally as they know how to handle babies."

Annie Oakley



Sherry Strong - Firearms Instructor

Certified Oklahoma SDA Firearms Instructor

State of OK CLEET Semi-Automatic & Revolver Firearms Instructor

NRA Certified Instructor

  • Basic Pistol

  • Personal Protection in the Home

  • Personal Protection Outside the Home

  • Advanced Personal Protection Outside the Home

  • Refuse to be a Victim

  • Range Safety Officer


     M.A, B.A., The University of Tulsa

Native Tulsan

Citizen of Cherokee Nation

Former Volunteer Chaplain, Hillcrest Medical Center

Contact Me:


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